Welcome to the website of Expat Women in Jax, FL

Our social club is waiting for you: ladies born on foreign shores who now live in or near Jacksonville, FL - close enough to attend our monthly luncheons.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Lunch 2015

Another year of wonderful lunch meetings gone! We're all enjoying our current venue and had a great time. This lunch was made special because some of you, my friends, stepped out of your way to also celebrate my birthday. What a surprise you had in stall for me!
(with our newest member Martha)

I wish you all a happy holiday season and good health and peace for 2016!
2016 looks promising with several new ladies - mostly German - joining us in January. You know my motto: The more the merrier! I sincerely hope we'll see some of you who haven't shown their pretty faces in a while.
Venue remains the same: Brio's Tuscan Grill in St. John's .
Meet & Greet: 11.30 a.m.
Sit-down: High noon.

So see you all in force in January. And have a nice, gentle slip-over into the new year as we say in German: Guten Rutsch!