Welcome to the website of Expat Women in Jax, FL

Our social club is waiting for you: ladies born on foreign shores who now live in or near Jacksonville, FL - close enough to attend our monthly luncheons.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Lunch 2015

Another year of wonderful lunch meetings gone! We're all enjoying our current venue and had a great time. This lunch was made special because some of you, my friends, stepped out of your way to also celebrate my birthday. What a surprise you had in stall for me!
(with our newest member Martha)

I wish you all a happy holiday season and good health and peace for 2016!
2016 looks promising with several new ladies - mostly German - joining us in January. You know my motto: The more the merrier! I sincerely hope we'll see some of you who haven't shown their pretty faces in a while.
Venue remains the same: Brio's Tuscan Grill in St. John's .
Meet & Greet: 11.30 a.m.
Sit-down: High noon.

So see you all in force in January. And have a nice, gentle slip-over into the new year as we say in German: Guten Rutsch!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Time Flies

And here it is again, fall with its beautiful weather. I can't believe I neglected this site for over a year.
Does anybody have pictures from their home country for us? I'd love to put them up here. Here are some lovelies we encountered while "en Alsace."

Our next luncheon is coming up on 7 October with a Meet & Greet at 11.30 and a Sit-down at 12 PM.  
We're still happy with the venue: Brio's in the Town Center.

Here are the directions:


4910 Big Island Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32246                    
(904) 807-9960

For directions go to : http://www.brioitalian.com/locations.html   
See you there!