Welcome to the website of Expat Women in Jax, FL

Our social club is waiting for you: ladies born on foreign shores who now live in or near Jacksonville, FL - close enough to attend our monthly luncheons.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Time Marches On...

Dear International Friends,
It's already September again - 2018. As many of you know, I was away for the summer and Alicia took care of business, as usual, in my absence. Thank you!
Some of you were still traveling, but we had a good turn-out at our last luncheon last week: 20.
We'll continue to meet at Brio's in the St. John's Town Center on every first Wednesday of the month (unless it is the 4 July like this year!) If you want to join us and are looking for directions, please go to their website: https://www.brioitalian.com/index.html.
Time: between 11.30 - 12 PM for a sit-down at noon.
I'll be sending invitations a week before the next luncheon and appreciate a timely RSVP if you like to attend.
Look forward to seeing you next month!
Cheers, Siggy