Welcome to the website of Expat Women in Jax, FL

Our social club is waiting for you: ladies born on foreign shores who now live in or near Jacksonville, FL - close enough to attend our monthly luncheons.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy 2012!

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year, I'm inviting you to our next luncheon next Wednesday, 4th January at our new place "Osaka". For directions click on this link!
We'll meet at our usual time at 11.30. The place is spacious enough and has a great selection of food, hopefully to please everybody.
Look forward to seeing you all there. Sigrun

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Our Christmas luncheon came and went.We had a lovely 2 hour session at Blackfinn's and enjoyed a new member from Romania, a lively, friendly lady by the name of Lena. And what is even better: she wants to brings more of her friends.
Allow me to include a little story in the Christmas spirit here that I recently wrote on my blog. Our German members can relate to it:The Charm of Christmas Markets. Just click on this link under the title. It's on a new blog that I started about 3 weeks ago; an interesting read on a variety of topics even if you're not a contributing writer.
Thank you, Sally, for providing us with this picture of last Wednesday's luncheon.
In January, our first Wed falls on the 4th. We 'll meet at Osaka, another restaurant for a change.
These are its details:
Osaka Japanese Restaurant 11701 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32223-0756 (904) 886-7778
Please join us at 11.30 A.M. It's a spacious restaurant with
delightful food and ample parking.
Until then: A happy and healthy new Year! See you in 2012!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our Christmas Luncheon

It's that time of the year again...The Holidays are approaching fast and our annual Christmas Lunch is coming up. We decided to keep it simple, just in our usual surroundings at "Blackfinns" in the St. John's Town Center. They have looked after us all year in such a friendly way, I didn't have the heart for a change of location. Most restaurants we discussed were more expensive.
For January, however, I suggest a change of venue and move to Osaka, a buffet style Asian- Sushi place that Louise and I checked out last week on my birthday. It's located on the corner of San Jose Blvd. and Loretto Rd. Exact directions to follow shortly.
The food was very good and they had a huge selection of starters, fish and desserts. Salad too!
See you on 7 December at Blackfinn's. Booking in this case is essential.

Friday, September 9, 2011

We're growing -without any growing pains

Last Wednesday we had a terrific turn-out for our monthly lunch group. There were four new ladies with the French contingent growing more than any other country at the moment. And of course, our tiny twins were in attendance even though they slept through the whole fun again. How does she do it? I wish I had could have fed mine some of whatever they are getting!
With a little cooler autumn temperatures, the weather was gorgeous and we sat outside which most people enjoy most in this restaurant (Blackfinn). They are really welcoming and accommodating, considering they had to add two tables on the spur of the moment.
Stories about summer trips were swapped and photos shared. I'd like some here too, please. My home swapping adventure naturally got some interest: Will I do it again? If you're interested in going this route in preparing for a value for money vacation, ask me which website we had subscribed to. Some regular members are still away, one on a trip to Alaska and others in their first residences.
Our next meeting for which I expect new ladies as well (we met them inside) will take place on Wed, October 5. The table is already booked. But please, please let me know how many of you're coming. It may be a bit more problematic inside to add on tables.
Here is a picture where two of our members, hailing from AUS and E went to Berlin together and St. Petersburg.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to normal: our exceptional lunches

Just back from my trip. Time flies and our next meeting is approaching fast. As usual, it's the first Wed of the month, ie next week, 7 September. Same place, same time. Here is their website: Let's meet in the Saloon of the Blackfinn restaurant and start catching up with all the news you have before we sit down. Since it's still beastly hot, I will book us inside the restaurant. I look forward to our new members that joined in the meantime.I also want to thank Marita here for filling in for me and running the show in my absence. I believe the flags are in safe Spanish hands...}?
If the new ladies I talked to lately decide to come, we might need new flags: India and Sweden. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Here are some pix from my trip. Feel free to send me some of yours to liven this site up with other parts of the world.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The more - the merrier!

Yesterday we had a great turn-out yet again: 15 plus. Not that I can't count, but by plus I mean these two adorable twins who were born prematurely. They started off their tiny lives well under 2 pounds each, and at now 4 months they've reached eight. Thanks for presenting them to us, Isabel.
Has anybody got better photos of the two angels? A cell clearly doesn't make the best pics. I'm always looking for pictures of members who go back home. It would be nice to see more of your individual countries.
We also had another "Aussie" join us- can't help it! Sorry!
At our end of the table, we discussed the benefits of having dual citizenship. Some of us have become Americans, others have retained their original nationality. It may be worthwhile looking into that matter, as I found out. So we are not only chatting away while lunching and making new friends but exchanging useful information. Thanks to everybody who sent me her recommendation regarding a family doctor.
Have you had a look at becoming a follower of this blog? It's not difficult and I hope you all enjoy our little website.So...Can't wait to see who dares to...
Please note that we meet before sitting down at 12 in the Salon at 11.30 to enjoy our hello's without disturbing other patrons. Just in case the restaurant forgets to mention it to newcomers and you sit there alone at the table.
Happy Mother's Day to whom it may apply! Did you know that it falls on the same date in Germany and America whereas the Irish and UK celebrate theirs in March? Since I lived in all of these countries, my children are sometimes confused or use it as an excuse for forgetting... How about Australia and Canada? Are they sticking to the British tradition? Maybe one of my members can shed some light on that?
Enjoy the beautiful weather and see you in June! Sigrun

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coming and going

Last month saw us say farewell to our longstanding member Vanessa from the UK and this month we regained a new Irish Vanessa plus a new lady from Jerusalem, Violette. We're really getting more and more international. If some of the ladies I approached outside the restaurant could join us as well next month, we'll truly be expanding and the table will even be longer. I heard them speak some unknown language (to me) and got out my LILAC cards to invite them. We were 20 in April outside on the patio. The more the merrier!
I'm posting a couple of photos from March and April.
As of next month, some of our members are going home for their summer vacations, but we usually have a good turn-out just the same. Our next luncheon will be on 4 May. Mark your calendars, ladies! As usual, we'll meet in the Salon at 11.30 and then sit down around noon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Our February meeting at Blackfinn's

A good time was had by all at our last luncheon on Wednesday. The feedback about the restaurant was so good that the general consensus is to go back there...maybe make it our new home? It's always fun to have babies present and they seem to enjoy the attention they are getting.
I'm ordering 2 new flags, Romania and Taiwan (hoping that Cindy will join us soon again).
I moved Followers up. Signing up is easy and appreciated! Wondering who the other two are who are not members?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our next Luncheon 2 February

Dear Friends,
I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at a new venue: Blackfinn in St.John's Town Center.The exact address is 4840 Big Island Dr, St.5. PH:904-345-3466.
As usual, we meet at 11.30. They have a Saloon, let's meet there for drinks first and then go to the dining room at 12 O'clock. http://blackfinnamericangrille.com/
Here's the link for directions click here!
Several of us liked it already.So let's hope they'll do a great job on us.
Best, Sigrun

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cafe Athens

Our luncheon today was well attended at a new venue: Cafe Athens. We had an unexpected visitor: Little David and his mother. This is baby #4 just in the last year that our lovely International Ladies have presented us with. We hope to see you again soon.
While the food at Athens was very good and everybody had a good time, the place needs a serious up lift. So the search for a new permanent venue continues...Watch this place: More photos coming.
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