Yesterday we had a great turn-out yet again: 15 plus. Not that I can't count, but by plus I mean these two adorable twins who were born prematurely. They started off their tiny lives well under 2 pounds each, and at now 4 months they've reached eight. Thanks for presenting them to us, Isabel.
Has anybody got better photos of the two angels? A cell clearly doesn't make the best pics. I'm always looking for pictures of members who go back home. It would be nice to see more of your individual countries.
We also had another "Aussie" join us- can't help it! Sorry!
At our end of the table, we discussed the benefits of having dual citizenship. Some of us have become Americans, others have retained their original nationality. It may be worthwhile looking into that matter, as I found out. So we are not only chatting away while lunching and making new friends but exchanging useful information. Thanks to everybody who sent me her recommendation regarding a family doctor.
Have you had a look at becoming a follower of this blog? It's not difficult and I hope you all enjoy our little website.So...Can't wait to see who dares to...
Please note that we meet before sitting down at 12 in the Salon at 11.30 to enjoy our hello's without disturbing other patrons. Just in case the restaurant forgets to mention it to newcomers and you sit there alone at the table.
Happy Mother's Day to whom it may apply! Did you know that it falls on the same date in Germany and America whereas the Irish and UK celebrate theirs in March? Since I lived in all of these countries, my children are sometimes confused or use it as an excuse for forgetting... How about Australia and Canada? Are they sticking to the British tradition? Maybe one of my members can shed some light on that?
Enjoy the beautiful weather and see you in June! Sigrun
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